On the Brendan O'Connor show, 13 October, there was lots of Sinn Feining!. One of his guests, Prof. Gary Murphy, Prof of Politics at DCU claimed in response to some SF TDs resigning as they felt undermined by "the party hierarchy" and "it brings back this idea which SF in the Republic had been trying to get rid of for a long time but are not succeeding as we can see, particularly this week, that it is run by shadowy figures from Belfast or from the North...." That statement was not challenged or even remarked upon in terms of the party hierarchy being run by shadowy figures in the north. It seems to be an "acceptable truth". Murphy, later in the interview claimed "SF want to talk about housing, housing, housing, you know, health and housing" as if that's a bad thing? And not of any interest to the electorate. And apparently he claims that if you are FG/FF, you have a "big door to run through and attack them (SF)with it." So given Cohen's theory, I wonder what the programme listeners are thinking about? SF run by shadowy figures, or housing???

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Hey Philip.

The lady’s name was Sheena Cahill, who had the 51 articles on SF count, On Brendan O Cs show.

Great read thank you. Glad I’m not going mad thinking it’s just me seeing what’s going on.

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Thank you David! Will edit to add her name!

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Great article Philip. It seems migration is the global (in the West) media agenda for politics over the last few years. Media corporations encouraging the rise of the far-right.

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